Postdoc Biophysicist at RIKEN
Email: jumpei.yamagishi[at]
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- April 2024 – Present : Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR), RIKEN, Japan.
- March 2024 : Ph.D. in Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- March 2021 : Master in Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- March 2019 : Bachelor in Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Paper (Submitted)
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi and Tetsuhiro S. Hatakeyama. Global Constraint Principle for Microbial Growth Law.
arXiv: 2409.12482, 2024.
Papers (Peer-reviewed)
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi and Kunihiko Kaneko. Universal Transitions between Growth and Dormancy via Intermediate Complex Formation.
Physical Review Letters 132, 118401, 2024.
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi and Tetsuhiro S. Hatakeyama. Linear Response Theory of Evolved Metabolic Systems.
Physical Review Letters 131, 028401, 2023. (arXiv)
- Masahiro Hoshino, Ryuna Nagayama, Kohei Yoshimura, Jumpei F. Yamagishi, and Sosuke Ito. Geometric speed limit for acceleration by natural selection in evolutionary processes.
Physical Review Research 5, 023127, 2023.
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi and Tetsuhiro S. Hatakeyama. Microeconomics of metabolism: The Warburg effect as Giffen behaviour.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 83: 120, 2021.
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi, Nen Saito, and Kunihiko Kaneko. Adaptation of metabolite leakiness leads to symbiotic chemical exchange and to a resilient microbial ecosystem.
PLoS Computational Biology 17(6): e1009143, 2021.
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi and Kunihiko Kaneko. Chaos with a high-dimensional torus.
Physical Review Research 2, 023044, 2020.
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi, Nen Saito, and Kunihiko Kaneko. Advantage of leakage of essential metabolites for cells.
Physical Review Letters 124, 048101, 2020.
- Jumpei F. Yamagishi, Nen Saito, and Kunihiko Kaneko. Symbiotic Cell Differentiation and Cooperative Growth in Multicellular Aggregates.
PLoS Computational Biology 12(10), e1005042, 2016.
Honors and Awards
- January 2024 : JSPS Ikushi Prize, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.